> The wired physical address will be listed under en0 This will list all of your network settings, including the physical addresses of your wired and wireless hardware. At the Terminal Prompt, type ifconfig and press Enter.Locate and open Terminal from Applications->Utilities->Terminal.
To get your computer's Wired or Wireless MAC address from the Terminal Screen:
Type command in the search box (Start->Run for Windows XP) and press Enter.Get your computer's Wired or Wireless MAC address from the Command Prompt Screen: Your device therefore is likely to have two MAC addresses. The address is assigned by the manufacturer, for Ethernet and Wi-Fi cards. You can also use iwconfig to find your wireless MAC address if you have it installed.A Media Access Control (MAC) address is a unique numeric identifier used to distinguish a device from others on a network.The wireless MAC address will be in the field labeled HWaddr. Your wireless interface will likely be named wlan0 or wifi0. In a terminal window type ifconfig and return.The Wi-Fi Address is your wireless MAC address.Click on the Apple Menu in the top-left corner of your screen, and choose the System Preferences menu item.The Physical Address will be your MAC address.In the command prompt, type getmac and press enter/return.In the search box, type cmd and press enter.Click on the Windows logo (the Start Menu) in the bottom left corner.However, if your computer has an internal wireless card, you'll have to search for the MAC address in your operating system. External wireless cards may have the MAC address printed on their label.
Your MAC address may have characters separated by a colon, dash, or a space. It is a globally unique identifier assigned to network devices.
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